Where can I buy Piroskanna jewellery?
Does Piroskanna provide guarantee?
Where can I find out more details on Piroskanna jewellery sizing?
Can Piroskanna rings be resized?
How can I track an order that I placed on Piroskanna.com?
How do I exchange or return an item?
How can I get my Piroskanna jewellery repaired?
Does Piroskanna provide services for authentication or appraisal?
How can I stop receiving emails, catalogues, and phone calls from Piroskanna?
Do you work with old gold? Is it possible to reduce costs with it?
I have a gemstone, can you make the jewellery out of it?
Do you have ready to ship products, or do you only work for orders?
How long does it take to make a piece?
Will the gold change colour or surface when worn?
How do I clean my jewellery with gemstones when the stones are "tarnished"?
How do I measure a finger size correctly?
Do you have a physical shop or you only have your online shop?
Can you try on the jewellery?
I would like to have a personal consultation, is it possible? And if so, how much does it cost?
Will I receive a certificate for the gemstones in the jewellery?